Sunday, April 22, 2007


After days/weeks/months or maybe even years of constant experimentation with my weekly tuition and study schedules, I have finally come to the conclusion that Sunday was never meant for studying academics, at all. In the BIBLE in the book of Genesis Chapter 2 verse 2-3 it says that 'By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating he had done.'

So I have only want thing to say about Sunday. Rest. Most students probably use Sundays to study. But I say as a christian I should use Sundays to learn more about God, by attending classes before or after church, and also by going to evening church service, which I hardly do so because of tuition.

The thing about parents is that they do not want their children to waste any time when it comes to studying. "Every second counts". That line was quoted by someone very big and important to my life and my personal well being. He is currently known as my father. Of course every second counts, but we should take time to enjoy the peace and serenity of the outdoors, enjoy every moment of life, from the time are born till the time we die.

One thing that made me angry was the fact that my father wants me to be studying every moment I'm awake. Here's a conversation I had with him once this week.
Dad: Arthur, why aren't you studying?
Me: I've been studying the whole day... In school, at tuition and at home, now I'm really tired... please let me have some rest...
Dad: So? As long as you have nothing else to do you should be using the time to study.
Me: Wa lao sian la dun liddat leh I damn tired liao la ( I use this language when I'm pissed off)
Dad: So you go to sleep now. Don't waste anymore time or I'll make you put another hour of studying.
Me: Ok la.

See? My dad sometimes pisses me off like that. But I know he means well. But just once I would like to do things on my own, without the constant, never ending nagging of both my parents. So sometimes when my eyes get tired after studying for a long period of time, I sometimes take a nap, or play the guitar or even go downstairs to play soccer with my friends.

And one more thing before I end this post. Since most working parents don't have to work on Sundays, why should students be forced beyond their control to study or work on Sundays? Its really seems unfair to me that they get a day off and we don't. Anything to comment? Please feel free to do so on my tagboard. Thanks.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday, April 2, 2007


Today school was as usual... Boring lessons boring life... After school went with Zhang Yi and Asri to Thomson Plaza to eat at BK, we met Alexis and Erny there... After that went back to school to meet Aron, Vincent and Daren... They wanted to go to AMK central to eat so I followed them... When we were walking out of the school, we saw this man running across the street, shortly after, Im not so sure of the full details, but Daren told me he knocked onto a van and fell. Behind him were 2 policemen who soon caught up with him and pinned him onto the road. Then one of them handcuffed him and then shortly after that the police van came along and the man was brought to a nearby police station ( I guess )... Well thats all... Got homework to do so gdnite